The Year To Escape The Wrath To Come | Study: 1 Thessalonians 1:10
Apostle Denise Williams
IMF or International Ministers Fellowship is a living loving organism or company of believers with unity of heart and obedience to the Will and Word of Elohim. These vessels of God are on a mission to take the whole Word to the whole world. We meet on the first Saturday of each month for fellowship of family unless otherwise announced.
Our Monthly Virtual Fellowship is recorded for later viewing. We also encourage as many as possibly can turn on their cameras to maximize our community experience.
Sounding of the Shofar
Global Director of Administration Minister Joy Otaluka
Opening Prayer
Prophetess Beryl Hooper
Ministry of Song
Minister Jessica Shepherd
Word of Knowledge
Global Board of Trustees Member – Apostle Fred Harris
A Word from the National Executive Committee
The focus of the year has been to “Escape the Wrath To Come.” Although we may not know the timing of God’s wrath, it is certain to come upon the children of disobedience. As we discern the signs of the end times, it is important that we come together in collective obedience to every measure of preparation instructed by God’s Word. We will hear from IMF leadership as they share how their directorate or area of focus plays a key role in edifying the body and escaping the wrath of God.
(7-10 Minutes With Supporting Scripture)
- National Director of We Care Community Engagement – Minister Rose Etuka The importance of Community engagement in the end times, and its role and helping the remnant escape the wrath of God.
Ministry of the Word
Apostle James Holley
Ministry of Giving
IMF USA Treasurer – Min Carol Bessent
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National Director of Communications – Min. Asha McCarty
Closing Prayer and Remarks
National Deputy President Pastor Tavon Green