The Year To Escape The Wrath To Come | Study: 1 Thessalonians 1:10
Min Elijah Banks
- IMF or International Ministers Fellowship is a living loving organism or company of believers with unity of heart and obedience to the Will and Word of Elohim. These vessels of God are on a mission to take the whole Word to the whole world. We meet on the first Saturday of each month for fellowship of family unless otherwise announced. Our Monthly Virtual Fellowship is recorded for later viewing. We also encourage as many as possibly can turn on their cameras to maximize our community experience.
Sounding of the Shofar
National Director of Administration Minister Joy Otaluka
Opening Prayer
Minister Charity Banks
Ministry of Song
Minister Asika Etuka
Word of Knowledge
Global Board of Trustees Member – Apostle Fred Harris
Ministry of the Word: Youth
Your Favorite Bible Story & What it teaches you about Jesus:
- Liam Spence (2-3 Min.), Son of Apostle William and Lady Kenya Spence
- Brooke Shepherd (2-3 Min.) Daughter of Prophet Jeremiah and Pastor Brittney Shepherd
- Braxton McCarty Shepherd (2-3 Min.) Son of Ministers Brandon and Brittney McCarty
- Taydem Johnson (2-3 Min.) Son of Ministers Trevan and Shelby Johnson
Using scripture, share a lesson or revelation the Lord has recently ministered to you:
- Cobey Sawyer (5-7 min)
- Dekari (5-7 min)
- Min Taija Johnson (10-15 minutes)
Ministry of Giving
IMF USA Treasurer – Min Carol Bessent
- Here, at our main website:
- PayPal at
Special Presentation and Announcements
National President – Prophet Jeremiah Shepherd
Closing Prayer and Remarks
National President Prophet Jeremiah Shepherd
Meeting Info:
Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 826 9655 6081 Passcode: 917347